• 1 LB Beef Flat Iron Steak or Meat of choice

  • 3 TBSP Mother Earth Organic Red Wine Vinegar

  • 1/2 TSP Crushed Red Pepper

  • 1/4 C Chopped Parsley

  • 1/4 C Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Salt & Pepper


  • Season the meat lightly with salt & pepper

  • In a resealable bag, combine the olive oil, RWV, crushed red pepper and parsley.

  • Add the steak to the bag, shake and marinade in fridge for altleast 6 hours.

  • Preheat a grill pan and brush with vegetable oil, season the steak with salt and pepper and grill for 3 1/2 minutes per side.

  • Transfer to a carving board and let rest for 5 minutes.

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